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Image by Francesca Hotchin


We are agents for OK alone, a Canadian based company who specialise in software driven lone worker and man down applications for smart phones. The OK Alone systems comes with a fully functional end user dispatch and monitoring system, multiple methodologies for informing supervisors of any incident and clever self check routines for lone workers to ensure their safety. Tacticom is able to advise clients on how to get the best from their OK Alone system. Were working with OK alone to develop similar applications for advanced and semi smart POC & PTToC devices. Tacticom has been liaising and cooperating with OK Alone for almost two years now and during that time we have developed a great understanding for the methodology and potential of the OK Alone software and system to lend its innovative applications to other industry types. The OK Alone development team are pro-active and keen to develop new and innovative solutions in conjunction with Tacticom so we welcome any general inquiries or solving any specialist lone worker problems your organisation may have.



Systems integration started early with Tacticom and our sister company Plymouth Telecom Services. Way way back in the 70s and 80s

Typically we were approached by a Military expedition force to create a radio remote control for a newly installed motorised steel door operating "somewhere" in the arctic circle for new top secret HIDES. The problem was that it was really - really cold and operatives had their hands not only gloved but full with other equipment and didn't really want to stand at the door of their covert and semi permanent "HIDE" trying to manually open a door or pressing easy to see or even covertly hidden buttons to open the door. It also had to 100% reliable down to -50oC and access a receiver through a three inch thick steel door and not be affected by any electrical or RF noise generated by the electrical motors or other control equipment nor could a Clansman 320 aerial array upset the remote door opener either. This may sound like simple integration now is 2023 but back in 2023 remote control of motorised devices was a very rare occurrence and off the shelve solutions just did not exist. 


The solution was to build an early SELCALL encoder/decoder module into an early NaBishi hand portable as it had a decent battery capacity and enough space inside the case to fit extra boards and components, but how to keep the radio warm in -50oC. The solution was to open the radio up and carefully wrap the PCB's in thin non conductive bags filled with lambs wool and to add a small heater element. A matching NaBishi hand set with a matching SELCALL module was installed in a poly-carbonate enclosure with a relay board which operated directly from the encoded selcall/ctcss and audio path of the Nabishi hand portable. This relay board pulled over a 12Volt relay which pulled over a 48V relay which brought on the motors to open the steel door. We understand it continued to work for a number of years.



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